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Ушел из жизни член Президиума Комитета, доктор технических наук, профессор Алексей Николаевич Васильев
Поздравление Ю.А.Таран с присуждением ученой степени доктора технических наук
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В декабре 2024 года вышла из печати научная монография д.т.н., профессора С.П. Рудобащты «Массообмен в процессах сушки, адсорбции, экстрагирования, диффузионной паропроницаемости»
План работы Комитета на 2025 г.
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Полезные ссылки
1. Journal of Membrane and Separation Technology
The Journal of Membranes and Separation Technology is a peer-reviewed journal covers all aspects of membrane & separation sciences and technology.
The journal facilitates the communication of new ideas and techniques relating to synthesis and characterization of membrane / separation materials. The journal also publishes updates in filtration, fouling, module operations, process design, processes simulation technologies with the ultimate goal of promoting best practices.
The journal publishes high quality, original articles, review articles, case reports, field studies, and short communications. The Journal of Membranes and Separation Technology is addressed to both practicing professionals and researchers in the membranes and separation technology, professionals in academia, former researchers and PhD students and other specialists interested in the results of scientific research in separation sciences related to membranes.
The journal facilitates the communication of new ideas and techniques relating to synthesis and characterization of membrane / separation materials. The journal also publishes updates in filtration, fouling, module operations, process design, processes simulation technologies with the ultimate goal of promoting best practices.
The journal publishes high quality, original articles, review articles, case reports, field studies, and short communications. The Journal of Membranes and Separation Technology is addressed to both practicing professionals and researchers in the membranes and separation technology, professionals in academia, former researchers and PhD students and other specialists interested in the results of scientific research in separation sciences related to membranes.
2. The BioChemistry : An Indian Journal
The Macromolecules : An Indian Journal is devoted to the rapid publication of fundamental research papers on all phases of macromolecule science. Topics include: synthesis, kinetics, chemical modification, solution/melt/solid-state characteristics, surface properties of polymeric materials, macromolecular theory and computer simulations, engineering processes of macromolecules. All contributions shall be rigorously refereed and selected on the basis of quality and originality of the work as well as the breadth of interest to readers. The journal publishes the most significant new research in all phases of macromolecules being done in the world today, thus ensuring its scientific priority
3. The Research & Reviews in Electrochemistry
The Research & Reviews in lectrochemistry is devoted to the rapid publication of fundamental research papers on all phases of electrochemistry. Topics include Fundamental interfacial electrochemistry (electric double layers, adsorption, electron transfer, basic principles of biosensors), Electrode and electrolyte materials, Analytical electrochemistry, Physical electrochemistry, Molecular electrochemistry, Computational and theoretical electrochemistry, Industrial electrochemistry, Electrochemical/chemical deposition and etching, Dielectric science and materials, Electric and magnetic field effects (field-dependent processes, field interactions with molecules intramolecular field effects, sensory systems for electric and magnetic fields, molecular and cellular mechanisms), Bioenergetics and signal transduction, Biomembranes and model membranes, Applications in medicine and biotechnology. All contributions shall be rigorously refereed and selected on the basis of quality and originality of the work as well as the breadth of interest of readers. The journal publishes the most significant new research in all phases of electrochemistry being done in the world today, thus ensuring its scientific priority.
4. Journal of Engineering
The Journal of Engineering is devoted to the rapid publication of original and significant research in the fundamental theory, practice and application of engineering.
Board in research areas: Agricultural Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Fire Protection Engineering, Genetic Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Mechanical engineering, Mechatronics Engineering, Military Engineering, Mining Engineering, Naval Architecture, Nuclear Engineering, Ocean Engineering, Software Engineering, Test Engineering
Board in research areas: Agricultural Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Fire Protection Engineering, Genetic Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Mechanical engineering, Mechatronics Engineering, Military Engineering, Mining Engineering, Naval Architecture, Nuclear Engineering, Ocean Engineering, Software Engineering, Test Engineering
5. Journal of Modern Physics
A journal to be launched by Scientific Research Publishing, USA.
It is available without charge to students, specialists and scholars around the world through.
It is available without charge to students, specialists and scholars around the world through.
6. International Scientific Publications
Scientific journals from a series: International Scientific Publications